Affiliated with Dakota County Historical Society
A Non-Profit 501(c)3
Inc. 1995
About Us
For Sale

Welcome to the Rosemount Area Historical Society. Please browse the buttons above to learn more about our group and the history of Rosemount, MN.
Check out the "For Sale" tab to find out how to purchase the new book "Rosemount: From the River to Space."

Rosemount Area Historical Society Special Events 

 March 2017

Presented by the Rosemount Area Historical Society
and Dakota County Robert Trail Library

Thursday, March 9, 2017 at 6:30 at the Robert Trail Library
 14395 So. Robert Trail, Rosemount, MN 55068

" Outhouse Archaeology"

Presenter: Gerald Mattson & John Loch, local historians


 January 2017

 Presented by the Rosemount Area Historical Society
and Dakota County Robert Trail Library

Thursday, January 12, 2017 at 6:30 at the Robert Trail Library
 14395 So. Robert Trail, Rosemount, MN  55068

"The Stratherns - Rosemount's Founding Family"

Presenter: Maureen Geraghty Bouchard, local historian


November 2016

 Presented by the Rosemount Area Historical Society
and Dakota County Robert Trail Library

Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 6:30 at the Robert Trail Library
 14395 So. Robert Trail, Rosemount, MN

"Rosemount Polio Hospital"

Presenter: John Loch, local historian 


September 2016

 Presented by the Rosemount Area Historical Society
and Dakota County Robert Trail Library

Thursday, September 8, 2016 at 6:30 at the Robert Trail Library
 14395 So. Robert Trail, Rosemount, MN

"The Story of the Dewey Watch Fund"

Rosemount Schoolboy's idea of Presenting a Special Watch to Admiral Dewey -
 Hero of the Spanish American War -
Becomes a National Schoolkids' Campaign

Presenter: Maureen Geraghty Bouchard, local historian


Rosemount Area Historical Society at the
Dakota Aggregates Open House

Thursday, September 8, 2016 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
15950 Station Trail, Rosemount

see for more info

 View  Gopher Ordnance Works  Diarama
and Question & Answers about the GOW site by 
the Rosemount Area Historical Society

Books & DVD will be available for sale


March 2016

Presented by the Rosemount Area Historical Society
and The Friends of the Robert Trail Library

Thursday, March 10, 2016 at 6:30 at the Robert Trail Library
 14395 So. Robert Trail, Rosemount, MN

 Title: Minnesota Lake Superior Shipwreck Tales

   Presenter: Gerald “Jerry” Mattson, local historian and Great Lakes shipping buff.

Hear the stories along with a visual presentation about a few of the many shipwrecks along Minnesota’s North Shore of Lake Superior. One of the worst places to be for a ship in trouble on the Great Lakes was along Minnesota’s rocky shoreline. There are approximately 350 major shipwrecks in Lake Superior and about 50 of these lie along the coast of Minnesota. The talk will include many underwater shipwreck photos.  


January's Presentation Was Such 
A Success - We Have Scheduled Another Date
February 2016

Gopher Ordnance Works Presentation

Presented by the Rosemount Area Historical Society
and The Friends of the Robert Trail Library

Thursday, February 18, 2016 at 6:30 at the Robert Trail Library
 14395 So. Robert Trail, Rosemount, MN

Have questions about the WWII arsenal in Rosemount & Empire?
Your questions could be answered by Rosemount Historians, 
Maureen Geraghty Bouchard & Gerald Mattson
View our diarama of the site


January 2016

Gopher Ordnance Works Presentation

Presented by the Rosemount Area Historical Society
and The Friends of the Robert Trail Library

Thursday, January 14, 2016 at 6:30 at the Robert Trail Library
 14395 So. Robert Trail, Rosemount, MN

Have questions about the WWII arsenal in Rosemount & Empire?
Your questions could be answered by Rosemount Historians, 
Maureen Geraghty Bouchard & Gerald Mattson
View our diarama of the site


November 2015
History Presentation

Presented by the Rosemount Area Historical Society
and The Friends of the Robert Trail Library

Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 6:30 at the Robert Trail Library
 14395 So. Robert Trail, Rosemount, MN

"Bioarchaeology: Reading History from the Skeleton"
Presentation by Marcia Regan, PhD. 

Focusing on Native Americans, this presentation will explain what information can be obtained about individuals from the analysis of bones.


History Book

"Rosemount: From the River To Space" 
by Maureen Geraghty Bouchard

Will be available for $35.00 at:

Rosemount United Methodist Church
Holiday Bazaar 
Fellowship Hall
14770 Canada Ave, Rosemount MN

Saturday, November 21, 2015 from 9 - 2

Also available for sale 
Gopher Ordnance Works DVD - $10.00

Great Holiday Gifts - Don't forget to include a Membership with the Rosemount Area Historical Society, affiliated with Dakota County Historical Society
(application also available online)


September, 2015

The First of Many History Presentations

Presented by the Rosemount Area Historical Society
and The Friends of the Robert Trail Library

Come join us on Thursday, September 10, 2015 at 6:30 at the Robert Trail Library, 14395 So. Robert Trail, Rosemount, MN

Septembers presentation will be presented by, John Loch, one of Rosemount’s local historians.

"The Connection between a German WWII Rocket Scientist, Rosemount Aeronautical Laboratory and Rosemount Engineering."

 "This presentation will provide a link between five subject matters: Rudolph Herman a German rocket scientist working on the V2 rocket during WW II, Dr. John Ackerman and the beginnings of the University of Minnesota Aeronautical Engineering Dept., Rosemount Aeronautical Laboratory, and creation of Rosemount Engineering. Instruments created by Rosemount Engineering are found on all United States aircraft and missiles flown today and has become an international corporation." If you enjoy local history, this presentation is a MUST.


WWII RE-ENACTMENT- Saturday & Sunday, May 16 & 17, 2015

Come see us at the WWII Re-Enactment at Dakota City Heritage Village in Farmington.         We will be located in the Drug Store.

View our diorama of the Gopher Ordnance Works built in Rosemount/Empire that produced white smokeless gunpowder for WWII.

 For more info go to: